Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Christian Fictoor - freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing, branding, pr/communication, events, music industry & cultural sector. Co-owner iGNITE! Music Agency.

5 years of social media marketing for Military Boekelo-Enschede

I am pleased to announce that my social media team will be working for the Dutch Sport event ‘Military Boekelo-Enschede’ for the 5th year in a row. Military Boekelo-Enschede combines an exciting eventing competition (CCI 3*) with business & pleasure. It is one of the largest and best valued eventing events worldwide. On average more then 60.000 people visit the event. Military Boekelo-Enschede chooses Social Media 4 Events for the 5th year in a row.
In close collaboration with both the Military Boekelo-Enschede organization and media partners (radio, tv, print, blogs etc.), social media has become a central pillar in the marketing and communication of Military Boekelo-Enschede.
We’ve increased brand awareness, helped increase ticket sales, gained a large audience from outside of the Netherlands and have increased reach (far over 1,5 million people) and engagement.

This year Military Boekelo-Enschede has introduced a special VIP arrangement which we also help to promote via targeted social media
If you need:
# extra attention for your event
# more ticket sales
# more value for your sponsors
# a real and loyal community of fans
# more collaboration between media-partners
# more PR
# internationalization

then please contact me.
I’m sure I can help you out!

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© 2025 Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Thema door Anders Norén