Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Christian Fictoor - freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing, branding, pr/communication, events, music industry & cultural sector. Co-owner iGNITE! Music Agency.

New client: PUUR high-end audio, video & domotica

So proud to announce to announce a new client again! Based in the Amsterdam region the specialists from PUUR audio, video & domotica provide their clients with high-end audio, video & domotica solutions. The best high-end audio systems, complete home theater solutions and implementing everything in the best possible way, taking interior design into account, with domotica.

Service I will provide to PUUR audio, video & domotica:
– develop a new marketing-communication / branding strategy
– develop captivating cross media campaigns
– develop and implement a new content strategy
– build a relevant community
– coordinate all marketing communication efforts

More information about PUUR can be found on their (Dutch) website:

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© 2025 Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Thema door Anders Norén