Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Christian Fictoor - freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing, branding, pr/communication, events, music industry & cultural sector. Co-owner iGNITE! Music Agency.

40% CORONA-Discount

We live in strange times, frankly in my almost 25 years as an entrepreneur I’ve not seen anything like this. Of course we also take our responsibility to #FlattenTheCurve and work from home. As I’ve noticed myself and heard from other entrepreneurs around me, this is also a good time to (re)think your business models, work on new ideas and products, come up with great campaign ideas. Let us (me and my partners) help; WE’LL DO THE HEAVY LIFTING TOGETHER! Together we will make your company post-corona-era proof.

During the corona-crisis I’ve decided to provide all clients with a 40% DISCOUNT on my normal rates. We shall get through this together!

Please contact me to make an appointment for a skype / telephone call or conference.

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© 2025 Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Thema door Anders Norén