Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Christian Fictoor - freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing, branding, pr/communication, events, music industry & cultural sector. Co-owner iGNITE! Music Agency.

NEW BOOK CoLlab: the collaborative crow

So amazing to have collaborated on a new book again by my best buddy Yaagneshwaran Ganesh!

The subject of “The Collaborative Crow”:
It doesn’t matter how great your product is or how brilliant your marketing is unless your entire organization works together towards a clear collective outcome. To make that outcome a reality, every function needs access to customer intelligence, but in a context relevant to them.
The Collaborative Crow provides you with ideas, direction and a method to bring the entire organization on the same page with what’s happening with no tiers and privileges.

Democratize customer intelligence. Collaborate and conquer.


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© 2025 Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Thema door Anders Norén