Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

Christian Fictoor - freelance professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing, branding, pr/communication, events, music industry & cultural sector. Co-owner iGNITE! Music Agency.

the growth hacking book

35 top marketing professionals from 9 countries share the most guarded Growth Hacking secrets the Silicon Valley Giants don’t want you to know… all in one book!

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A few years back my ‘cross-cultural brother’ Yaagneshwaran Ganesh asked me to collaborate on the marketingconcept ‘MarketingSYNC’ and the book that came out of this: ‘Is Your Marketing In Sync Or Sinking?’. Although I had written articles and blogs before and was frequently asked by radio and television programs to give insights related to social media, marketing & innovation, this was to first book project I had the pleasure of working on. During this first project Yaagneshwaran and myself not learned from each other on a professional level, but also became very close friends. After the second book-collaboration with ‘Yaag’, “SYNCfluence”, he asked me to participate on another challenging project…

I am proud to announce that I am the co-author of the upcoming “The Growth Hacking Book”. The book is co-authored by 35 top marketing professionals from 9 different countries and shares hands-on Growth Hacking secrets you always wanted to know. I feel both excited and very proud to be part of this project.

The book will be launched in Delhi on July 13th 2019!

Ready to GROW? Buy the book now via:


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© 2025 Christian Fictoor – freelancer marketing & event professional

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